There are two approaches to dealing with pain. I know that people have different thresholds of pain but that is not the subject here. The first method is to stop the “feeling” of pain. That is the condition in which the pain is still there, a person just doesn’t feel it. Those can also work on inflammation but generally work well in the neuro networks. The second way is to discover the root cause or source of the pain and eliminate it thus stopping the pain. Pain is the disruption of normal cellular activity and the ensuing inflammation which is the beginning of the healing process. Surgery is the exception to the “root” rule. Surgery means cutting something and that means pain no matter what.


Most of the time the quickest way is to pop NSAIDs or more potent prescription Valium, Oxycontin, and etc.  The doctors want to get a person as comfortable as possible as quick as possible because they know that a person will heal faster without pain. If the source is still there, it is continuing to generate pain and inflammation, but a person is now unaware of it. I believe that these types of pain killers should only be used if a person has a condition in which there are no options, however, these are few and far between.


Many people reach for NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammation drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen to address pain and inflammation.  They are effective but come with serious side effects such as gastric bleeding, joint/cartilage damage, disrupted metabolism, increased blood sugar, loss of bone and emotional disorders, among others. In July 1998, The American Journal of Medicine stated the following about NSAID-related gastrointestinal and metabolic complications:


“Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone. The figures of all NSAID users would be overwhelming, yet the scope of this problem is generally under-appreciated.” - AST


Now it is understood that to deal with the root of a condition it will take longer to totally eliminate the pain, but when it is gone it is not coming back. This approach works well with chronic conditions. But there are situations where the point of no return has been reached and in those situations it is understood that pain relief is primary  and must be maintained for the comfort of the patient.


One of the best pain killers is enzymes.  Not only do they help to eliminate pain and inflammation but they have healing properties. Here is a list of some of the more common ones.

Protease                   Bromelain

Nattokinase              Serrapeptidase



The following are also good pain relievers


Capsaicin                 Bosweillia

Arnica                     Tumeric

Holy Basil                Skullcap

Valerian                   Cannabis


Essential oils

Pine                          Lavender

Peppermint              Cinnamon



My choice to use is enzymes because of their accompanying healing properties. They work on pain and inflammation but not on a broken heart. I deal with broken hearts on another level.

A good multivitamin/ mineral complex is a good addition to the protocol in the sense that it helps keep the body’s basic elements strong.


If you have any questions about enzymes or a specific condition drop us an email and we’ll be glad to respond.